Inspiring people to better live their lives

Prevent child separation

The Protege a tus Niños Initiative

5.4 million U.S. born children are at risk of being placed in foster care if their undocumented parents are detained or deported.

The Protege a tus Niños Initiative empowers parents with the knowledge and tools to legally designate a Temporary Emergency Guardian for their children. It explains the reasons and shows practical steps, such as writing emergency contact details inside children’s shoes, to ensure legal and emotional safeguards in case of family separation.

World Voices Media, a California non-profit, in association with HCN Global, seeks to help millions of immigrant parents take proactive measures to designate a guardian and keep their children out of the foster care system. TV & radio broadcasts, social media, and alliances with other non-profits will direct families to resources at protegeatusniñ or

DONATE NOW and help us achieve our mission!

How Protege a tus Niños Helps:

•     TV, Radio & Social Media campaigns explaining Temporary Guardianship, airing during prime time to a weekly audience of nearly 20 million Spanish speakers. These broadcasts, social media and alliances with other non-profits will direct families to our free resources. 30 Second Clips: (Spanish) (English)

•     Bilingual YouTube tutorials guiding parents how to establish legally valid guardianships.

•     A state-by-state database with downloadable forms, allowing parents to complete the process before a child is separated from their parents.

•     Links to local immigrant rights organizations for direct assistance.

•     Outreach through community organizations and cooperating schools, ensuring that parents including farmworkers and other at-risk populations, receive these essential materials.

Please DONATE NOW or for more information please email us at

Watch this 20 minute film to see what happens to children during mass deportation.

Our 30 second TV & Social Media spots

Our 30 second TV & Social Media spots

Click on the flyer below to view PDF version


We aim to inspire


World Voices Media leverages traditional, digital and social media and alliances with community-based organizations to achieve positive social impacts in the fields of human rights, community engagement, health and sustainable environments. We accomplish this via partnerships with media companies, culturally and linguistically creative producers, celebrities and influencers representing the populations and cultures we serve worldwide.

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Let’s work together


World Voices Media works with community based organizations and media partners to amplify messages that will improve the quality of life for our communities. Let’s work together to create a meaningful change.


With a focused approach and more collaboration, it is possible to end the HIV epidemic among the Latinx community.

Eugene McCray, M.D.
Director of CDC’s Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention

Learn more